PinnedKapitalisme Mencetak Generasi Konsumerisme. Bagaimana caranya?Kapitalisme adalah sistem ekonomi yang didasarkan pada kepemilikan pribadi atas aset dan produksi serta pengambilan keputusan ekonomi yang…Mar 23, 20231Mar 23, 20231
Aesthetics and Art in Schopenhauer’s PhilosophyArthur Schopenhauer, a 19th-century German philosopher, is known for his profound views on human existence, suffering, and antinatalist…Aug 5, 2024Aug 5, 2024
Ali Syari’ati: Sang Syiah MerahAli Syari’ati (bahasa Persia: علی شريعتی, lahir di Kahak, Razavi Khorasan, 23 November 1933 — meninggal di Southampton, 19 Juni 1977 pada…Apr 4, 2023Apr 4, 2023
Come Una Scala; arrampicarsi sul proprio corpoCome una scala arrampicarsi sul proprio corpo, la tua scalata non ha mai fino in cima. c’è divertimento ogni volta che lo lasci tu non sei…Mar 20, 2023Mar 20, 2023
Pentingnya Personal Boundaries (Batasan Antara Kamu dan Mereka)Orang-orang yang paling sulit buat menetapkan batasan atau boundaries biasanya adalah orang yang ‘gak enakan’. Ironisnya, gak enakan ini…Mar 4, 2023Mar 4, 2023
If you want to remain happy, just remain stupid“Happiness was never important. The problem is that we don’t know what we really want. What makes us happy is not to get what we want. But…Feb 26, 2023Feb 26, 2023
Je SuisSipping the warmth of Weltanschauung leaning on the brink of life’s nous.Feb 5, 2023Feb 5, 2023
Islamic Socialism: The Revolutionary movement of the UmmahIslamic Socialism, the revolutionary movement of the ummah (Muslim community). The Muslim world has been suffering from the effects of…Jan 27, 2023Jan 27, 2023
New Year’s RevolutionThere should’ve been a difference, At least one that would show, We weren’t all headed backwards, To our ways, not long ago, In my heart I…Dec 31, 2022Dec 31, 2022